Kate was my co-pilot, we had an excellent time. Check out the new page ON THE ROAD for more pictures of Jay and other places (right now pretty slim) and the pictures are not all that exciting, but you will notice the highlite of the trip which was a pair of matching canadians. so check that out. We enjoyed a tram ale at the new lodge, and a few bud lights in the parking lot with some new friends and old (i didnt know any of them, but kate did), and gussie was quite well behaved, she let people pet her in exchange for bits of hot dog. Im beginning to see that Gussie thinks that anyone in Carharts and kinco gloves or Patagonia is her friend, which is good. New years in burlington, then departing monday. bring on the bills.
Jay used to be too far from Stowe to consider going to, but Im turning over a new leaf for the new year and trying new things. It was a sweet blue skies day, no new snow, but nice temps, no wind, sweet canadian people watching scene, and a new bar/lodge to check out. the kind of thing you usually dont get at Jay.
Kate was my co-pilot, we had an excellent time. Check out the new page ON THE ROAD for more pictures of Jay and other places (right now pretty slim) and the pictures are not all that exciting, but you will notice the highlite of the trip which was a pair of matching canadians. so check that out. We enjoyed a tram ale at the new lodge, and a few bud lights in the parking lot with some new friends and old (i didnt know any of them, but kate did), and gussie was quite well behaved, she let people pet her in exchange for bits of hot dog. Im beginning to see that Gussie thinks that anyone in Carharts and kinco gloves or Patagonia is her friend, which is good. New years in burlington, then departing monday. bring on the bills.
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Marathon week after visiting five states in six days, as part of the plan to get warmed up in the East before the trip. I spent most of the time in my snow pants which might become a theme for this trip. After leaving Stowe on Friday afternoon, I stuck the dog with Kirsten in Burlington, VT and drove out to the White Mountains, NH for an AIARE Level 1 avalanche training course, friday night through sunday. Friday night and Saturday were in the classroom, at the Highlands center, and Sunday we hiked up Washington to Tuckerman ravine to do some field work. I am slightly more sufficient with a beacon, shovel and probe now. Or at least I know the difference between all three now.
The ravine was completely socked in with fog, and sadly not enough snow up there to ski. All in all, I am a little more aware and slightly more frightened of avalanches than I was before. But I know a little more than I did before, which is good. I also got the pleasure of trying a PBR martini, from a bar in Conway, which consisted of a martini made with PBR, in a glass rimmed with old bay seasoning, garnished with a chicken wing. surprisingly delicious. After hiking down from the notch in the dark, I departed for burlington, vt to retrieve the dog, but not before getting lost a few times (hard to do if you have ever been there....there is only one road back...) but reunited with the dog, stayed in vermont, skied the morning hoping to catch any friends still in town (no luck). I did manage to hit myself in the face with my own skiis when pulling them out of the car....sweet life....I only altered my sight a little bit....FML.... Makes me wonder how i am going to make it across the country when i am injuring myself numerous times in my own back yard. Falling off boats, and hitting myself in the face to the point of earning a nice black eye. I drove home to Gloucester, Mass through a little nor'easter. People in Mass forgot how to drive in the snow unfortunately. I left Gus with mom and dad. I took off the next day for the adirondacks to ski Whiteface, (stopped off to check on the house in Newport, RI which was hanging tight at a cool 40 degrees F....so I replaced the battery in the thermostat and bid Newport Adieu) Destination Lake Placid with Matt, a friend from college. I did a stop over in Saratoga on the way up, after getting lost numerous times in Albany. ADK was awesome all around, ice slopes followed by some new snow. We skied Whiteface, spent quality time at the Lake Placid Brew Pub, spent the night at Matt's family cabin, and hiked Roostercomb trail in the morning. It was pretty baller. A nice preview of what is to come in the next few months. On the way home I detoured to New Haven,CT to pick up my sister, whose car recently failed her on the side of the highway. That detour took about five hours to get there, then 3 hours home. A little longer than I thought. Taught me that I need to work on my driving time estimating skills. New Haven is sort of scary. And Yah, I got a helmet cam for christmas. So get ready for something good. Merry Merry : ) Dear blog,
Quit the job at the boat yard yesterday. Thus begins the first day of the rest of my life for the next three months. Got in the car and drove to Stowe, VT to be able to ski today and tomorrow. Then Ill be dropping the dog off with a friend for the weekend, and taking off for the White Mountains in New Hampshire for an avi course. Sweet life. It was freezing today, but the snow was good. I snapped a pic of my hair freezing : ) Got to ski with Tim from skiershop; we lapped the quad and the gondi until he had to go to work. Boo work. Snow was excellent for being this early, should be even better tomorrow it's snowing right now and I'm giddy. Guss did well in the doggie condo in the back of the jeep in the 11 degree parking lot. Sweet, sweet life. Dear Blog,
The plan for december got a little side tracked by the whole, I'm stuck in bed for a week, thing. So I finally got my first turns of the season in at stowe on saturday, alone, but thats nothing new. apparently the muscles used to go to bars in newport and sit on a bar stool are totally different than the ones used to ski. but the snow was good, and the apres ski with the skiershop family at the matterhorn was ever better. im wishing i was doing another season there. the dog is training for the trip by sitting in the car in the cold while i ski. She is doing great. her dog condo in the back of my jeep is nicer than my house. Cheers. happy birthday kate wilson, the only person who comments on my blog so far |
AuthorMorgan is an avid bird watcher Archives
March 2011